It's theatrical because it is part of the online advance for The Moon, The Moon, a new piece by old muckers Unlimited Theatre, and if you go to see the show, which I recommend, you might enjoy a pleasurable shudder of recognition at one moment.
And it's also theatrical because if you choose to follow it through, it will lead you wherever you are into a little private performance. No longer than five minutes. We worked very closely with Unlimited to wrangle it into a shape where not only is it simple and playable (and we hope at least a little bit beautiful) but it also resonates in form and tone and look with the play and its themes. I hate some online-games-to-promote-theatre that are basically a ridiculous flash game, the way you play them being completely disconnected from the rest of the work. We wanted this to be...well... something.
Hope you like it. But also appreciate any posted comments, as critical as you like, right here.
Generous comment from Chris Wilkinson on the Guardian Blog. Anyone thinking from reading that I made this by myself (ha!) please check my comment there.